
Trusted by 700,000+ learners worldwide

Enable training of thousands without the need for minimal technology

  • Scale corporate training, education and learning activities
  • Custom-built to your needs
  • Mobile-ready solution
  • Bring your content to life

    We know it’s one thing to disseminate information and another for learners to actually digest content. Discover how interactive media can boost learning engagement delivered through ACKTEC Learn. 

    Empower organization or institution learners for success. 

    Bring your learning content to life

    Discover how interactive media can boost learning engagement delivered through ACKTEC Learn. 

    Empower organization or institution learners for success. 


    Using computer-generated imagery of CGI, ACKTEC develops a visual story for your stand learning content, making it more engaging and easier to understand​

    Augmented Reality

    Create an interactive experience of a real-world environment that puts the learner in the middle of the situation. Ideal for manual training that provides a true depth of experience.​

    Virtual Reality

    Bring your learning content alive with a three-dimensional environment custom-built to enhance the learning experience and create an immersive world for you.​


    Apply game-design elements and principles to your learning content. Build on engaging and create an enjoyable experience that promotes learning, retention, and interactivity.

    Internet of Things

    Allows field expert to be visually connected with remote personnel at field, hence enabling activities such as remote assessment, instructional guide and collaboration.

    Interactive 3D

    Allows user to browse through a virtual world with just a mere tilt of the hand. Users can interact with the AR content where colour, form and texture can be visually modified in real-time.

    Highly satisfied and recurring customers with ACKTEC's immersive learning contents

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    Trusted by thousands of businesses

    Passionate and professional in their delivery and development. Committed in their serving as well.

    Wendy Tan

    Founder of Josiah

    One of the best learning technology company I have came across in Asia. Committed and good product!

    Muzaffar Alihussen Dohadwala

    Manager, Learning & Development of SBST

    Truly impressed with the team and the dedication given to our PSB development. Appreciate all the help and support rendered.

    Dr Sam

    Dean of PSB Academy

    Ready to transform learning into bite-sized content?


    © 2020 ACKTEC Technologies. All rights reserved.